


1. 独特的环境设计


2. 多种养生项目


3. 专业的服务团队


4. 优惠的价格



1. 地理位置优越


2. 环保、健康


3. 个性化服务


4. 优质的服务态度












1. 时尚购物:下沙休闲中心拥有众多知名品牌专卖店,以及独具特色的潮流店铺。在这里,你可以一站式购齐各种时尚单品,满足你的购物欲望。

2. 个性餐饮:下沙休闲中心汇集了众多特色餐厅和美食店,从国际美食到本土小吃,应有尽有。在这里,你可以品尝到世界各地的美食,感受美食文化的魅力。

3. 创意体验:下沙休闲中心还设有各类创意体验馆,如手工DIY、陶艺制作、摄影培训等。在这里,你可以释放自己的创意,体验生活的乐趣。



1. 文化活动:下沙休闲中心定期举办各类文化活动,如音乐会、戏剧表演、书画展览等。这些活动丰富了市民的精神文化生活,提升了城市的文化品位。

2. 公共艺术:下沙休闲中心注重公共艺术氛围的营造,设置了众多雕塑、装置艺术等。这些艺术作品不仅美化了城市环境,也为市民提供了艺术欣赏的空间。

3. 社区互动:下沙休闲中心还积极举办各类社区活动,如亲子活动、运动赛事、志愿者服务等。这些活动拉近了邻里之间的距离,增进了社区凝聚力。



1. 产业升级:下沙休闲中心将继续优化产业结构,引进更多高端品牌和特色业态,提升休闲中心的整体品质。

2. 文化融合:下沙休闲中心将充分发挥文化优势,举办更多具有影响力的文化活动,推动城市文化繁荣。

3. 社区共建:下沙休闲中心将继续加强与社区居民的互动,共同打造和谐、美好的社区环境。






1. 项目丰富:晚欲雪提供五十余种养生项目,满足不同消费者的需求。其中,SPA、水疗、高端养生等特色项目深受好评。
2. 环境舒适:馆内装修风格轻日式,提供100平米左右的豪华套房,让您在舒适的环境中享受养生之旅。
3. 服务一流:晚欲雪采用五星级酒店式服务,让您感受到尊贵与贴心。


POEM FOR AUTUMN位于杭州上城区,是一家专业养身、养心的SPA会所。该会所以其独特的氛围和优质的服务,成为都市中的一朵绮丽玫瑰。

1. 专业技师:POEM FOR AUTUMN拥有一支颜值高、技艺精湛的技师团队,为消费者提供专业的理疗服务。
2. 独特体验:会所采用柔韧有力的手法,在肩胛上推拿,疏通筋脉,让您感受到身体的舒展与放松。
3. 香薰疗法:馆内香薰精油甜美的气息,让您在香薰疗法中释放压力,享受宁静的时光。



1. 檀香缭绕:馆内檀香缕缕,为您营造一个温馨舒适的氛围。
2. 专业推拿:技师提供的专业推拿服务,让您在放松的同时,缓解身体疲劳。
3. 自然景观:馆内绿植环绕,让您在享受桑拿的同时,感受到大自然的气息。



1. 文化养生:店内采用极具中国人审美的文化养生方式,引领男士养生行业风潮。
2. 顶级芳疗师:店内有顶级芳疗师为您提供一对一的专业服务,让您享受幸福与快乐。
3. 个性化定制:根据您的需求,为您定制个性化的SPA方案,满足您的养生需求。




















1. 石板桑拿:石板桑拿是桑拿中的经典项目,利用天然石板的温度和热量,帮助身体排汗、排毒。在石板桑拿房中,您可以感受到石板带来的温暖,让身心得到彻底放松。

2. 玉石桑拿:玉石桑拿以玉石为材料,具有清热解毒、镇静安神的作用。在玉石桑拿房中,您可以感受到玉石的温润和光滑,仿佛置身于仙境。

3. 黄土桑拿:黄土桑拿是一种传统的桑拿方式,具有很好的保健作用。在黄土桑拿房中,您将感受到黄土的吸附力和温度,有助于改善皮肤状况,提高免疫力。

4. 蒸汽桑拿:蒸汽桑拿是一种温和的桑拿方式,适用于各种人群。在蒸汽桑拿房中,您将感受到蒸汽的温润和舒适,让身心得到放松。












































1. 独特的韩式设计


2. 多样化的汗蒸房型


3. 专业的服务团队


4. 丰富的休闲娱乐项目



1. 促进新陈代谢


2. 增强免疫力


3. 改善血液循环


4. 缓解疲劳




What I want to rob that army is not to seek support in the past, because I am sneaking out in the process of execution at the moment, and I have no headquarters communication device in my hand. What I want to go to is to find weapons

According to my own experience during my service, all regular army sentries are equipped with live ammunition in their night patrol guns. I will look for a chance to grab the gun and hurt this unscrupulous Taoist Qingyu. As the saying goes, no matter how high the martial arts are, I am afraid that the kitchen knife will be unable to stop playing. I will break your leg and see if you can chase it.
When we get closer, we find that the party stationed in Beijing is an artillery unit, and the main artillery unit is stationed in the periphery of Beijing. Many artillery units are responsible for Beijing’s security. If the fire can be blocked at the same time, it can block and protect the capital’s security.
At the first time, the observation of qi allowed me to find the position of the sentry. As I expected, the sentry did have a gun in his hand. This rifle made my eyes light up and quickly stunned. I was dragged to the shadows and was about to untie the gun he was equipped with. Taoist Qingyu had chased and waved the dust and attacked my back and back.
The troops in Beijing Military Region are more elite than other military regions. When carrying out the patrol regulations, the regulations of carrying guns and slung back arms were strictly enforced, which made it more difficult for me to snatch guns after stunning him. Therefore, after feeling the dust coming from behind my head, Naipi sentry and sentry dodged sideways with rifles, and at the same time, they lifted their hands and moved mountains to grab the sentry and threw it to the safe place. The dust coming from Taoist Green Feather contained violent aura to save ordinary people.
The sound of the two men fighting and the sentry’s body falling to the ground alarmed the soldiers stationed here. In the darkness, the sound of the soldiers getting up indicated that a large number of soldiers were gearing up and would come out to guard against the enemy after a while. When I saw it, I quickly lifted my sleeves and covered my face and swept away from the barracks. What happened in Kunlun Mountain in those years made me quite afraid of modern monitoring facilities. If I were photographed again, I would be even more unable to explain it to headquarters.
I mean, I didn’t get away from the result as soon as possible. Taoist Qingyu chased me and entangled me. This guy learned to run, but I didn’t give me a chance to display popular magic. I didn’t get it in the middle of the night, and Taoist Qingyu was greatly impressed. This time, she waved Wujin’s dust and rushed in to try to control me in one fell swoop.
It’s a shame that I won’t run, but it’s a shame that I won’t run.
Just when I was overwhelmed, the soldiers rushed out of the barracks, which made my eyes shine. It was not the habit of the army for these soldiers to dress in full gear in the dark. Their response and responsibility should be to attack and defend, so as to hide their position and prevent the other side from giving blows. After leaving the barracks, these soldiers quickly rushed to their respective artillery positions, which is also their habit of daily training exercises.
Seeing this, I quickly made a bold decision in my mind, wielding a sword to force Taoist Qingyu to cast her magic into the sky, and her magic can soar more than 300 meters at the moment. After soaring, it’s like a huge Owlman, who is chasing after Taoist Qingyu not far from the army camp. Although her figure is thin, her cassock is very broad, like a big bat chasing after Owlman.
"Low-attack 23 anti-aircraft gunners are in place" The commander of the army shouted to mobilize the soldiers to enter the gun position. Because it is night and the speed of our two people is extremely fast, it is difficult to tell whether the 300-meter-high fast-moving object is a human or a human fighter by the naked eye on the ground. In addition, the commander of this army said that the 23 anti-aircraft gun is a small-caliber double-barrel gun, which is also our army’s current defense equipment. It is a major attack on low-flying fighters.
I am secretly glad that the troops of Fang are in place quickly, which is exactly what I want to achieve. I know the troops very well, but Taoist Qingyu naturally doesn’t know what Fang said about 23 anti-aircraft guns. My purpose is to find a suitable opportunity to lure artillery fire to call her and think about turning back here quickly and taking a circle in the camp.
The sentence "The radar shows the model of the enemy plane, no" is reported by the radar monitor, which makes me frown instantly. It is easy to confuse the radar, but it can roughly distinguish that the flying things are too small. I have to find a way to lure them into fire.
The commander of the "calling" party reached the attack order without hesitation. This order made me instantly lose my soul. I didn’t ask for instructions. I wasn’t ready yet.
Afterwards, I learned that the anti-gun regiment around Beijing had considerable autonomy. Because it was responsible for the defense of the capital, they fired after determining that it was not a friendly plane or a civil aviation.
"gunner shooting independently"
"I grass …"
Chapter 379 Shame
Before the gunner shoots, I have to choose whether to run for my life or to defeat the enemy. If I run for my life, I need to disperse the popular tactic by mistake, and I can quickly fall away from the height and range of artillery attack. If I defeat the enemy, I must risk being hit by a shell and delay Taoist Qingyu in the middle. However, this will inevitably make me desperate with her at the same time, and it depends on who God cares more.
Flint himself quickly made a choice to disperse the aura and quickly fell. At the end of the day, there is no vendetta between me and this green feather Taoist, and it is not some surface problems to make a larger foe.
Taoist Qingyu naturally heard the commander’s voice. Although she was not familiar with the equipment of the troops, she still knew the gun, so she also turned around and swooped down.
Just then, the gun suddenly sounded, and the sudden loud sound made the two people panic and accelerate. If you get one shot, it is no joke.
Where does the mess fall into the forest and dare to delay the breath? Pinch the tactic again and quickly shuttle through the forest. Taoist Qingyu distinguishes the direction and pursues it.
Two tandem ran out of the more than 20, this just slowed down.
"What the hell do you want?" I stopped, turned around and shouted at Taoist Qingyu. It’s been going back and forth for three or four hours. How long will it take?
"You can’t hurt my brother lightly, forgive yourself, break a finger, punish the big ring." Taoist Qingyu had previously gained the upper hand. At this time, she looked very disdainful. Mei Fan’s virtue was just like her.
"I won’t give you my finger. If you don’t get rid of your apprentice, I’ll kill her directly at the next meeting." I can’t beat the ghost and kill the traitor. It’s King Kong Gun’s favorite thing to do. Now I have to learn from him.
"Very close to death, still dare to speak out." Taoist Qingyu saw that my tone was still tough and thundered, waving the dust and attacking again.
Looking at the rapid approach to Taoist Qingyu, I suddenly had another plan in my mind. Once I thought about it, I felt that it was feasible. The horse turned around and fled to the west.
I was too focused on fame and wanted to defeat Taoist Qingyu, which made me unable to compete with Taoist Qingyu blindly in the process of fighting.
Think about it from another angle. Taoist Qingyu is a disciple who has come for revenge. Only when she hurts me can she balance her anger and dissipate it. I want to leave safely. She just hasn’t achieved what she wanted, and her anger in her heart has to be kept in her heart.
I won’t fight her. I want to be the best at popular magic to drag her to death.
"Auntie, how old are you this year?" I sprint back to ridicule.
"Hum!" Green feather Taoist naturally knows that I am deliberately angry with her. Even so, I am still angry and sullen.
"How bad is it for you to chase me as a young man at your age?" I exaggerated and made a face at her.
"Little beast, I won’t kill you." Taoist Qingyu was angry but made malicious remarks.
"Why don’t you marry your apprentice to me? She’s younger than you, so I’ll try to get her." I dodged an oncoming big tree and continued to speak out, angering Taoist Qingyu. I said that my words were already angry with her, so I had to intensify my efforts to make her angry.
"Don’t let me catch you." Qing Yu’s anger urges Reiki to try to speed up her ling. Although she is full of Reiki, she doesn’t have the practice of intellectual man fit spells and luck, but she doesn’t have my Ziyang view. Even though her short legs are rushing forward, she still chases me.
"What’s your mother’s name?" I deliberately pretend to be a liar. The best way to annoy people is to pretend to be a liar.
"Little beast, you …" Taoist Qingyu saw that I was more and more outrageous and more angry. I was short of breath and could not speak. My face was purple with blood.
"By the way, what didn’t you get married? Isn’t it ugly? Nobody wants you, so you become … "I stopped in the middle of my speech, thinking about how to call this unmarried man a bachelor and nobody wants a woman.
Taoist Qingyu now knows that I’m deliberately angry with her, so she won’t pick me up any more. She’s really not good at ling magic. With her efforts, she finally kept ten steps away from me. This is still my intention, otherwise she would have been left without a trace.
"121121121 Wrong pace, comrade, as soon as you adjust, you say it’s you." My hair seems to be broken and I help Taoist Qingyu to shout slogans.
"Left foot, right foot, right foot, left foot, haha, you can still jump." I deliberately misled Taoist Qingyu’s repeated slogans, which made Taoist Qingyu’s steps gradually messy and awkward. Finally, I misled my feet and jumped out like a big rabbit.
"You can’t run away from Ziyang view." Taoist Qingyu gasped and stopped. The two of us were only swept out of less than a hundred miles. Naturally, she was not tired and panting. This was to give her gas.
"It won’t be long before I go to Qipanshan, Liaoning." I’m not afraid of her intimidation at all. The scale of observation is much larger than that of Ziyang, so she won’t be stupid and angry with my master.

Li Qiushui colchicine general eyes to Li Zhichang look in the eyes is quite a bit provocative, if ordinary men are so a look at her she gave birth to her death is also should be.

But Li Zhichang turned a blind eye and turned a deaf ear, saying that he already knew that Li Qiushui was 90 years old. Even if he was a real fairy, he would be a cloud to watch and not be addicted to.
Li Qiushui faint sighed, "I just can’t figure out what your child is like. My granddaughter likes it. What’s the good quality of Mufu? Aren’t you much better than him?"
Li Zhichang said, "Rosa is a good girl, and it’s not a good thing that she likes me."
Li Qiushui sighed, "I can’t figure out where I can manage her without telling me. Do you know why I want to come to you?"
Li Zhichang smiled faintly. "I knew this day from the moment I practiced the northern ghost magic, but I don’t want to help you do things."
Li Qiushui chuckled "The so-called’ eating people’s mouths short and taking people soft’ means that you can’t think of such a cheap thing in this world when you eat and take it." Li Qiushui took a step forward, and this step fell on the divination of’ deviating from the divination’, which means that when you are in danger, you will have to cling to it and find support to be safe. It means that Li Zhichang has already had a dangerous situation, if you don’t cling to this strong person, you will die naturally.
Li Zhichang took a step back without trace, saying, "No one in this world can force me to do things, so you still don’t think about how to benefit me." His step is also the position of Lingbo’s micro-step footwork, but it falls on the divination of Kangua, but it is an interpretation of the principle of breaking through difficulties. It is extremely important to be too grand and face difficulties, but it is also enough to carry forward the brilliance of human nature and break through many difficulties in danger.
Li Qiushui has just found the perfect position in that step. If Li Zhichang doesn’t promise, he will face her with a thunderclap. But Li Zhichang took her offensive lightly and skillfully without trace. Both of them are proficient in Lingbo micro-step, and they know all about the sixty-four hexagrams of the I Ching. You can see a lot of things from the other side’s position.
Li Qiushui Judo "You have to know that we have common interests in this world. Don’t you suck human resources indiscriminately, and there will be no future trouble?"
Li Zhichang sighed and said, "What if there is? Since you have practiced physiognomy, you should always know that the meaning of’ quiet fugue is too empty’ will be so deep."
Li Qiushui said, "It seems that you know a lot. In that case, I’ll give you two choices: die or these two pills." Li Qiushui knew that Li Zhichang was very powerful, but it was not enough to compete with her. Li Qiushui took out two small yellow pills and gave off a spicy aroma.
Li Zhichang said, "I don’t choose either way."
Li Qiushui said, "Don’t get me wrong, this is my holy medicine’ Jiuzhuan Bear Snake Pill’ in Minstrel."
Li Zhichang said, "Yeah, even I don’t eat it."
Suddenly, the white light flashed, and a golden iron chimed across Li Zhichang’s body and retreated rapidly, while Li Qiushui’s hand had a foot-long dagger, the body of which was crystal-like. Just now, she was the dagger, and Li Zhi often struck a sword. Li Qiushui’s dagger was Guggenheim’s blow hair and broken hair, and she was also very surprised that Li Zhi’s sword was not cut off.
She giggled. "So you have such a sword, but it’s no big deal."
Li Zhichang has retreated to five feet in the distance. Just now, Li Qiushui was really fast. If it wasn’t for him, it was also serious. In a blink of an eye, the two men chased more than three miles along the slope to the sloping vegetable fields.
Chapter 52 Snow outside
Li Qiushui has made a small step and ten years of success. It is really difficult for Li Zhichang to repel her. It is not easy to escape. The cauliflower is fragrant, and they are chasing each other in this vegetable field and then they arrive at another hillside. At the same time, both of them are making a small step, a fairy and a cassock fluttering.
Because the terrain of this place is high and low, the distance between the two people is not close. Li Qiushui comes from behind Li Zhichang with a soft voice. "Brother Li, don’t stop coming to the nu house to save you."
Li Zhichang didn’t answer, and the pace became more and more rapid. Suddenly, Li Zhichang suffocated. In front of him, there was a very violent palm force hitting Li Zhichang and leaning an iron bridge to the ground. He was running quickly and suddenly stopped to live on the iron bridge. Kung Fu showed a strong control over his body. He heard thumping and thumping, and the surrounding shrubs exploded. I don’t know how many branches were broken. It turned out that this palm force had been out of Li Qiushui’s control after it was folded back, and Li Qiushui put together with its own palm force.
Li Zhichang immediately heard a gust of wind behind him. His backhand sword seemed to hit an iron curtain. He was ready to do a back flip with this blow, and he didn’t look at people and brushed out three swords from the middle. There was nothing bad about this fight.
Li Qiushui blocked the three swords with a wave of his sleeve and turned around. His eyes were full of wonder. Li Zhichang should change the speed and push the timing, but it was beyond her expectation. Unfortunately, it could not be what she wanted.
She just cold sleeve stroke point magic not only in her skill is as strong as steel, but also gave a strong gas to Li Zhichang Yuan point. Unfortunately, Li Zhichang had long expected that it would be evaded.
The powerful power of Tian Sleeve Gong Wheel naturally belongs to Shaolin’s seventy-two stunts. However, Li Qiushui’s cold sleeve stroke point martial arts are subtle and clever and far away in the sleeve. With a wave of her sleeve, she hides nine changes, and after each change, nine changes are almost exhausted
On Li Zhichang’s moves to crack Li Qiushui’s cold sleeve acupoints, like a set and a circle, break one after another and end up in the range of the other sleeve.
Li Qiushui looked at the leisurely attitude. In fact, every move was biting, but in the end, he failed to take Li Zhichang and the other side. There was still a faint counterattack in her offensive. Li Qiushui’s heart was cold and her sleeves brushed. Although it was not her best martial arts, she thought to herself that few people except Tian Shan Tong Mu could meet her. Although she thought highly of Li Zhichang, she didn’t recognize that Li Zhichang could really fight with her. Now the situation is like this.
Li Zhichang looks calm, one stroke and one sword seems to be exhausted, but he knows that he can fight Li Qiushui into this situation now. First, the power of the nine swords in Dugu is stronger and stronger. Second, Li Qiushui hasn’t fought the martial arts in the closet so slowly. After 500 strokes, it is difficult for Li Zhichang to maintain its current state.
After all, his every move now seems to be an understatement, but in fact, he has done his best. Every sword he makes is a condensation of his life’s swordsmanship. Everything is a sublimation of his past life. This is a oppression of life and death. It is great to accumulate and vent his wisdom, but he was at least 70% sure to retreat when he was walking. However, in the face of Li Qiushui and Li Zhichang, it seems that all aspects are not dominant. This situation is also the reason why Li Zhichang relied on the nine swords of Dugu to fight to the present.
There is no end to the martial arts of the Nine Swords of Dugu. Otherwise, you can’t fight against your enemies for life, but I’m afraid you’ve never met such a master as Li Qiushui before you go into seclusion.
Li Zhichang fled while playing, and the two men came all the way to the bushes, and there was no complete place where the grass withered and the wild goose broke in Hengyang. At this time, it was already late autumn, and the two men fled to the northeast one after another.
Li Qiushui’s figure is like a ghost that suddenly deceives Li Zhichang and Bai Hong’s palm obliquely hits Li Zhichang’s shoulder. Li Zhichang’s muscles contract and bend his elbow against Li Qiushui’s palm and elbow. Li Zhichang flies past and doesn’t know where to go. Li Qiushui and Li Zhichang don’t know how many times they have met. Sometimes Li Zhichang can escape Li Qiushui nine times a day. Although it is hard, Li Qiushui is not tired.
The two men have been entangled for more than half a month. Although Li Zhichang has never occupied the wind, when Li Qiushui wants to kill him, Li Zhichang can always make a surprise move. Li Qiushui wants to control Li Zhichang and give her a big boost, but Li Zhichang’s ability is beyond her estimation.
Li Qiushui’s skill is high enough to press Li Zhichang, but she won’t know that Li Zhichang can memorize all the martial arts secrets of Langhuan Yudong by heart, which is not inferior to that of Wang Yuyan. She and Cliff have collected martial arts, but those martial arts secrets are vast, and her own martial arts have been spent all her life and she can’t finish practicing other sects’ martial arts. Of course, there are some surprises, but there are some shortcomings than what she has learned, so Li Qiushui didn’t pay attention to them later.
However, in the hands of Li Zhichang, those martial arts cheats not only made Li Zhichang create the Nine Swords of Dugu, but also made Li Zhichang known to a wide range of people. It can be said that the martial arts wisdom of dozens of generations in this Wulin has made Li Zhichang enjoy the legacy. Although the martial arts have reached Mount Tai and Xiaotian is vast, there are always some martial arts in the wisdom of predecessors to make the enemy insufficient, but it is very difficult to imagine the world is also called Li Qiushui.
Li Zhichang’s coming to Baoshan is a lack of sharpening, which can make the poor martial arts treasure house worse. Li Zhichang has no sense of honor or disgrace. He never obstructs, hits hard, leaves, picks out dangerous peaks and valleys, and hides. He has a skill of self-defense and climbing mountains. If he flies into the water, he will be like a fish piercing a cave stone.
Li Qiushui, even the most top-level expert in the world, forced Li Zhichang into a corner and chased and fled to the end. Later, there were long grass in the forest and snow piled on the high slope, and even a few days of flying snow could not be seen.
This is the fact that two people came to Changbai Mountain in Li Qiushui and saw that they were chasing more and more far. Both of them actually went outside. She wanted to capture Li Zhichang alive, but in the back, she gave birth to a competitive heart. She had to seize Li Zhichang. It was her nature to get something, so she had to get it, so she forgot about not really getting the cliff heart for a day.
On this day, I arrived at a snowy mountain in Changbai Mountain, and Li Zhichang finally stopped. I was surprised at Li Qiushui, but I was not afraid of what tricks Li Zhi often had.
Li Zhichang smiled leisurely. "Senior Li, now you can’t deal with me."
Li Qiushui said, "Have you learned any new skills?"
Chapter 53 The Stone Wall Remains Scripture
Li Zhichang whispered, "If I have any martial arts function to repel my predecessors, I will wait until now."
Li Qiushui didn’t start work. These days, she had already moved. I don’t know how many times she didn’t hold Li Zhichang, so she didn’t bother to make moves again. It’s interesting to hear what Li Zhi often said. In fact, it’s already Li Qiushui’s importuning. She can’t afford to lose this face or she would have wanted to stop.